Taylor Astrology

Unlock your cosmic blueprint: Gain deep personal insights and decision-making guidance through birth chart interpretation. Learn how to use astrology as an empowering life-long tool for your soul’s growth!

Taylor Rhode

Astrologer and Retail Merchant

My journey into astrology began as a quest for self-understanding. I was drawn to its ability to shed light on aspects of my personality that I once struggled to accept – like my heightened sensitivity to the world and energies around me, or the challenges I faced in certain relationships. Through astrology, I discovered that these traits weren’t flaws, but integral parts of who I am. It helped me recognize the purpose behind my characteristics, showing me how to leverage my strengths and develop areas for growth.

With over a decade employed in corporate retail I’ve had experience working internationally and engaging with diverse groups of people, I have developed a deep appreciation for the unique perspectives and cultures that shape our world. During this time I discovered astrology – not just as a tool for understanding oneself, but as a powerful means of fostering deeper connections and navigating complex dynamics. I received my training under Dr. Jennifer Freed PhD a renowned psychological astrologer.

Through my work and passion for astrology, I aim to share these insights, empowering others to connect more authentically and harmoniously. Join me as we explore the cosmic influences that shape our lives and relationships!

Services Offered

In order to pull the most accurate Brith Chart for you I will need the following: birth date, birth place, birth time. Held via Zoom, so I can share my screen with you and we can look at your chart together. Afterwards, I’ll send you a recording, so you can rewatch/listen as many times as you’d like. I’ll also send a printable PDF of your birth chart with notes from our session. 

  • Birth chart reading $111 – A one hour session where I interpret your birth chart, aka a reading. Whether you are in need of direction or are simply curious, your reading will help you re-discover yourself through your birth chart. Come with questions or just an open heart as I lead you through what’s key to know. You will leave feeling empowered with more self-acceptance and understanding.
  • Transit Reading $150 – Recommended for return clients. A one hour session where I provide you with insights into the themes and lessons of the year, based on your astrological chart and transits. I will give practical insight on how to plot your course through the year ahead using the cosmic techniques: Solar Return, Transits, and Progressions.

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About Astrology

Astrology is a practice that dates back thousands of years, rooted in ancient civilizations. It involves the study of celestial cycles, as the sun, moon, and planets each follow their unique rhythms through time and space. Most people are familiar with their Sun Sign, often saying things like, “I’m an Aries” or “I’m a Scorpio.” The Sun Sign is significant because it serves as the central point around which other planetary influences revolve. It represents our ego and identity, embodying our yang energy and masculine traits, making it a core part of how we see ourselves. In addition, your Moon Sign plays a crucial role in your inner world. It reflects the inner feminine, or yin energy, and reveals your essential emotional needs. Beyond these, other planets also shape our personalities and inner dynamics, each representing different core desires and needs. Think of these planetary influences as a large family or cast of characters within your psyche. Just like any family, some members harmonize while others may clash; some are healthy and functional, while others display varying degrees of dysfunction. It’s more precise to say, “My Sun Sign is Aries, my Moon is Sagittarius, and my Rising Sign is Leo,” while also considering the placements of all the planets and their interrelationships. This holistic view provides a richer understanding of both your conscious and unconscious motivations. By examining how these signs and planets interact, you can discover new perspectives on ongoing challenges and gain a deeper appreciation for your natural skills and talents. I believe in using astrology as a tool to help you fully understand your strengths while embracing and integrating your weaknesses. Each person’s astrological chart offers validation, allowing individuals to feel truly seen and heard. Often, after just one reading, people find themselves stopping the internal struggle and instead focusing on enhancing their natural gifts and talents. This shift encourages them to become their best selves and evolve, rather than trying to conform to an ideal that doesn't resonate with who they are.